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Feed items 1 - 10 of 20 for January 2005

Muscle-Mass Hysteria - January 3, 2005

I started lifting weights. But not for the reason you think. You think I want to look "cut" and "ripped" and have bulging muscles like the ones on male underwear models, who for some reason are always shown posing outdoors, looking sullen, as if a group of even more-muscular models stole their pants.

Takin' Care of Gridlock - January 3, 2005

Our traffic problems are getting worse, according to a recent study by the Institute of Discovering Things That Make You Go "Duh."

The News in Briefs - January 3, 2005

Today we have some urgent breaking news, defined as "news that happened at some point in the past year, and we just now found out because we're way behind in our mail."

Good Vibrations - January 3, 2005

Over the years, I have been harshly critical of the scientific community for wasting time researching things nobody cares about, such as the universe. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of reading newspaper stories like this:

Gobble This - January 3, 2005

Thanksgiving is that very special holiday when we take a break from our hectic everyday lives to spend quality time with our loved ones, rediscovering all the reasons why we don't actually live with them. But Thanksgiving is also a spiritual time of quiet reflection -- a time when we pause to remember, as generations have remembered before us, that an improperly cooked turkey is -- in the words of the U.S. Department of Agriculture -- "a ticking Meat Bomb of Death."

Guys and Flies - January 3, 2005

There comes a time when a man must go into the wilderness and face one of mankind's oldest, and most feared, enemies: trout.

An Important Heads Up - January 3, 2005

I am often criticized for writing immature "bathroom" humor, and not enough about important topics. So, today I'm going to write about a major international event that is going to take place this week in Beijing, China: the World Toilet Summit.

When Readers Share . . . - January 3, 2005

When you've been writing a column for as long as I have -- 6 billion years this Tuesday -- you get used to receiving a certain type of letter. It's known, in journalism, as the "I Dare You To Print This!" (IDYTPT for short) letter, because the letter writer challenges you, the columnist, to print the letter, implying you lack the courage.

A Sticky Situation - January 3, 2005

So, my wife and I went to this meeting at our daughter's preschool. The purpose was to give us helpful information about our kindergarten options.

The Agony of da Feet - January 3, 2005

It's game night, and the Pinecrest Wolverettes are getting ready.
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- January (20 items)
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