Vandalia NewsLocal news for Vandalia, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Kern resigns as AD; extra duties with closed campus- July 18, 2008 Delay on picking Wodtka's successor Marsha Wodtka still doesn't know who will serve as her temporary successor when she retires at the end of this month. Orgill campaign continues- July 17, 2008 Enhanced 911 on the November ballot Fayette County residents will decide in November whether Enhanced 911 service becomes available in this county. City continuing negotiations with Orgill- July 11, 2008 City continuing negotiations with Orgill More than two weeks after Vandalia officials learned that the city s hopes of landing Orgill s new distribution center were being threatened, they continue to work on ... Amy Fulk is new Miss Fayette County Fair- July 11, 2008 Frakes wins Junior Miss crown Sarah Frakes won the Junior Miss Fayette County title in a pageant held on Sunday at the Fayette County Fairgrounds in Brownstown. Paper preserves Pennington story- July 10, 2008 Back in 1914, the editor of The Vandalia Union newspaper asked the old settlers to write down what they remembered about the county 50 years before. Miley Worker is new Little Miss Fayette County- July 9, 2008 Man accepts 12 years in prison for sex crime A rural Vandalia man accused of having sex with a minor female has agreed to go to prison. Legislators call for end to games with prisons- July 7, 2008 '> Friedel-Goggin battle continues-electoral board to convene on Monday A little more than two months after a county electoral board ruled that a Greenville attorney could not run as the Republican candidate ... |