Terry W. Frazier: Publisher.promo.ownItems of interest to publishers, promoters, and the owners of copyright and intellectual property.This Weblog Has Moved- November 28, 2002 This weblog has moved to its new, permanent location: www.terryfrazier.comweblog.http://www.terryfrazier.com/weblog/ One moment please while we check your settings...- November 11, 2002 Actually, all I get from MovieLink is that simple, insulting message.http://radio.weblogs.com/0109150/categories/publisherPromoOwn/2002/11/11.html#a884 Hollywood Plays by Different Rules- November 10, 2002 Seems Hollywood doesn't mind taking ideas from others, it's only when others use the same ideas and make money that feathers get ruffled.http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/cms.dll/html/comp/articleshow?artid=27795731 |