Vulcan NewsLocal news for Vulcan, MI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.A principal will lose his job- March 28, 2008 "Whenever you have cuts made, they ask, 'you know, why don't you just start at the top'" Rapidly declining enrollment is forcing one Upper Peninsula school district to drastically cut costs. via WLUC-TV Negaunee Norway-Vulcan hears support for keeping three principals- March 26, 2008 "The meeting was well-attended, many folks voiced support for the maintenance of three principals and specifically Mr. Hongisto, the middle school principal" The planned elimination of a principal's position in the Norway-Vulcan Area School District was discussed at a committee of the whole meeting of the school board Tuesday. via The Daily News Edward Dierkens- March 13, 2008 Edward Dierkens, 56, of Norway passed away unexpectedly Monday, March 10, 2008, at St. via The Daily News |