Atlantic Beach NewsLocal news for Atlantic Beach, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Tax bills pile up as town staggers- June 25, 2008 Property owners that include several major outside developers are nearly six months delinquent on their property taxes, owing the already cash-starved town more than $150,000. Further, the town has not reported ... Former official is on ballot- June 23, 2008 A former Carteret County commissioner is a candidate for the board again. A petition by Bettie Bell of Mill Creek to be included on the November ballot as an independent candidate for the Board of Commissioners ... US Senate, NC governor candidates take stage- June 21, 2008 The major-party candidates for governor and U.S. Senate this year will meet each other in a public forum for the first time. Becton to head bar association- June 20, 2008 Charles L. Becton, a Raleigh lawyer and former state Court of Appeals judge, will be sworn in Saturday as president of the N.C. Bar Association during the group's annual meeting. Thompson named Economic Developer of Year- June 18, 2008 Nominated on the basis of a successful 2007, Wayne County Development Alliance President Joanna Thompson has been named the 2008 North Carolina Economic Developer of the Year. NC Bar Short on Debate Time- June 16, 2008 Let's double back to the altogether unsurprising decision by the NC Bar not to invite Libertarian Party candidate for governor Mike Munger to its June 21 debate at Atlantic Beach. Atlantic Beach resident sues over Bikefest public drinking- June 12, 2008 A resident of Atlantic Beach is suing the city, trying to end public drinking during the annual Bikefest motorcycle rally each May. NC governors candidates agree to take part in 5 debates- June 11, 2008 The two major candidates for governor of North Carolina say they've agreed to hold five debates leading up to Election Day. |