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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for May 2007

A Civics Lesson for D.C. Students to Skip - May 26, 2007

Let's hope D.C. public school students are too busy with their studies to pay much attention to the officials overseeing their school system. Goodness knows those adults are teaching lessons that students should never learn.

If We Do Not Stop to Help - May 19, 2007

Last week's pre-Mother's Day column about an unmarried D.C. mom who is on welfare and has six children by four men provoked strong condemnation of the mother and criticism of this writer for printing her story without passing judgment on her behavior. As is so often the case, the reactions tell us as much about ourselves as they do about the mother.

A Mother's Days of Desperation - May 12, 2007

This Mother's Day column is about a mom in the Marshall Heights section of Southeast Washington. My intent was to highlight the affordable-housing crisis in the nation's capital and to take a poke at plans in the D.C. Council to cut taxes mainly for high-income households. The housing crisis is real indeed, and the tax cuts are premature.

Sex, Drugs and Prosecution - May 5, 2007

This week's commemoration of Law Day provides a moment to observe the application of justice in the nation's capital, particularly the enforcement of laws governing illegal drug activity and the practice of "the world's oldest profession": prostitution. Attention should be given to the demand side of the equation -- i.e., the people who buy drugs and the men who buy women's bodies for sex.
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