Ashley Judd NewsNews about Ashley Judd continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Judd Moved to Help by Human Trafficking Problems- June 8, 2008 Actress-turned-humanitarian ASHLEY JUDD was moved to campaign against human trafficking after she "stumbled upon" the problem while visiting the developing world to promote public health. Judd Traffics in Humanitarianism at the U.N.- June 6, 2008 Today 10:12 AM PDT by Gina Serpe Jemal With Angelina Jolie otherwise engaged, the job of global do-gooder has temporarily fallen to fellow big-hearted star Ashley Judd . Ashley Judd speaks at UN against human trafficking- June 4, 2008 Ashley Judd says she decided to lend her voice against human trafficking after she "stumbled upon" the issue while visiting brothels, slums, hospices and other clinics in 12 nations to promote public health. Kiss the Girls- June 4, 2008 Slimy suspense film about the hunt for a homicidal sex fiend with a harem of shanghaied women in a Durham dungeon. |