Arapahoe NewsLocal news for Arapahoe, NE continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.It all adds up -- Work Ethic Camp saves area more than $1 million- February 29, 2008 "I've had bad guys and I've had some excellent people" Work crews at the Nebraska Department of Corrections Work Ethic Camp in McCook camp have saved area communities a total of more than $1 million -- and counting. via McCook Daily Gazette Motor vehicle homicide trial to be rescheduled- February 6, 2008 The trial of Herchel Huff, charged with killing an Arapahoe wife and mother last year, will be rescheduled. via McCook Daily Gazette More...- February 5, 2008 LB 701 gets day in court Decision not expected for at least a month or more By Russ Pankonin The Imperial Republican Attorneys for Friends of the River told a Lancaster County District Court trial judge why ... via Imperial Republican |