Windham NewsLocal news for Windham, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Connecticut Quirks - When is a city not a city- May 22, 2008 There are banners welcoming you to the City of Winsted - the Laurel City it's called -- but then why does the main municipal building say 'town hall', and why does the city share billing with the Town of ... Nonprofit Coalition Focuses On Covering The Uninsured- May 19, 2008 "If she'd had continuous health care, they would have been able to nip it in the bud and it wouldn't have gotten out of control." The latest example is in Coventry, where the town council will be presented with a 400-name petition and proposed resolution tonight. via Connecticut's WB 20 Insurance Remedy Waits On Rell's Desk- May 18, 2008 "Who wants a bad health care plan" Since last year, I have been traveling around the state speaking to groups about health care. via Hartford Courant Proposed Franklin ash landfill blocking attempt foiled in legislature- May 8, 2008 Time and inquisitive legislators doomed an attempt to block a proposed ash landfill on Route 32 in Franklin Wednesday night. via The Day CRRA Ash Landfill Plan In Limbo- May 3, 2008 "CRRA has got to begin to look at their whole technology and what they're doing with their ash instead of dumping it in the state where it's not wanted" The Senate's unanimous approval of a bill barring the state trash authority from building a dump for ash residue in Franklin has thrown the proposal into serious doubt, supporters of the bill said Friday.State Sen. Edith G. Prague, D-Columbia, a co-sponsor of the legislation approved late Thursday, said it was sent directly to the House Friday. |