Watertown NewsLocal news for Watertown, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Town Council approves more painful cuts However, must pay $110,000 more for fuel- July 18, 2008 Twenty-four hours after the Board of Education approved its budget reductions, the Watertown Town Council moved forward to discuss and approve their own latest round of reductions for the 2008-2009 budget.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ct/2008/07/town-council-approves-more-painful-cuts-how... Towns look to generate wind to save money- July 8, 2008 Several towns are looking for power in the wind. Windmills may be more plentiful and generate power more readily in the vast stretches of California and Texas than in Connecticut.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ct/2008/07/towns-look-to-generate-wind-to-save-money?f... |