Watertown NewsLocal news for Watertown, CT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Area schools increase lunch prices for next school year- May 31, 2008 Around noon every day students line up in cafeterias throughout area schools ready to eat hot lunch.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ct/2008/05/area-schools-increase-lunch-prices-for-next... Goulet becomes Eagle Scout- May 29, 2008 Matthew Goulet of Watertown was presented with the rank of Eagle Scout, Boy Scouts of America's highest advancement, on Wednesday, May 21 during a ceremony at the Union Congregational Church in Oakville.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ct/2008/05/goulet-becomes-eagle-scout?fromrss=1 Soldiers, vets celebrate memorial day weekend- May 27, 2008 Madison _ Two organizations are making to sure to give Military men and women a special thanks this Memorial Day Weekend.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ct/2008/05/soldiers-vets-celebrate-memorial-day-weeken... Wounded Vet Gets Old Glory Guitar- May 25, 2008 But the one he saw at the Madison Music Center Saturday was glossy red, white and blue, adorned with stars and stripes, and Coppola couldn't help but call it beautiful.http://www.topix.net/city/watertown-ct/2008/05/wounded-vet-gets-old-glory-guitar?fromrss=1 |