Turner NewsLocal news for Turner, ME continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.State to track funding activity- May 29, 2008 Maine has 55 separate economic development programs, from tax credits to technical assistance, and a state agency assigned the responsibility of promoting the state's economy.http://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/state-to-track-funding-activity?fromrss=1 Under-21 delegates prompt Democrats to limit alcohol- May 27, 2008 Political conventions are known for their hospitality suites, in which politicians hobnob over drinks with activists and potential supporters.http://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/under-21-delegates-prompt-democrats-to-limit-a... Students portray drunk driving consequences for classmates- May 24, 2008 Students stared with somber expressions as a realistic scene played out before them to illustrate what could happen as a consequence of driving while drunk.http://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/students-portray-drunk-driving-consequences-fo... An old hooked rug in good condition is worth about $2,000- May 18, 2008 Q: I have enclosed a photo of a handmade rug that my grandmother recently gave to me.http://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/an-old-hooked-rug-in-good-condition-is-worth-a... Hebert receives doctorate degree- May 16, 2008 Lauren Hebert, DPT, will receive his doctor of physical therapy degree this month from the University of New England in Portland. via Sun-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/hebert-receives-doctorate-degree?fromrss=1 Logging truck takes down utility wires- May 10, 2008 Police say some people were still without phone service Friday morning after an overloaded logging truck took down utility wires along Route 133 on Thursday. via Sun-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/logging-truck-takes-down-utility-wires?fromrss... Wakeup call- May 5, 2008 "I've always told everyone not to do that" A dropped cell phone is to blame for a Friday night wreck in Auburn involving a teen driver who learned a valuable lesson in the blink of an eye. via Sun-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/05/wakeup-call?fromrss=1 Extensive training paid off- May 1, 2008 "We couldn't have done it without mutual aid. We couldn't do it by ourselves." Firefighters' preplanning and training for a possible fire at Washburn-Norlands Living History Center paid off Monday night when teams from 10 departments worked to save what many consider a national treasure. via Sun-Journalhttp://www.topix.net/city/turner-me/2008/04/extensive-training-paid-off?fromrss=1 |