Google Tweaks the Powers That Be- (Found July 19, 2008 ) This is hysterical. Since Google announced their unusual IPO plans including their proposed two-tier ownership structure, the established financial players... Tivo Gets the Message- (Found July 19, 2008 ) I recently wrote about the customer service I received from grocery-delivery chain FreshDirect after several deliveries arrived with broken eggs.... Music Plasma- (Found July 19, 2008 ) musicplasma visual search engine Time to Update the PowerPoint- (Found July 19, 2008 ) Anyone with a blog is writing about Movable Type's crazy new pricing scheme so I thought I'd chime in. As... Writing for Google- (Found July 19, 2008 ) As a bad, amateur, untrained, unprofessional -- did I mention bad -- programmer, the only way I can possibly complete... |