Seth Godin's Blog- (Found July 19, 2008 ) Seth Godin's Blog Does it Get Better Than This- (Found July 19, 2008 ) This is so "meta" it makes my head hurt. Let's say you're a television producer. And let's say you want... A9 Changes the World- (Found July 19, 2008 ) What do you get when you mix Google and Amazon Not what I expected, that's for sure. Search Technologies "... Sometimes You Don't Have to Break Any Eggs- (Found July 19, 2008 ) I'm fairly new to FreshDirect, the fresh grocery delivery service here in New York which everyone raves about. They only... They Didn't Teach Me This in Business School- (Found July 19, 2008 ) First line of a job listing in Craigslist: Ambitious, attractive, tall, thin, female needed to help in development and promotion... 7 out of 12 Broken!- (Found July 19, 2008 ) Breaking News! Order number four from FreshDirect just arrived. A disappointment worthy of A-Rod as 7 out of 12 eggs... Arrows, Buttons, Carts- (Found July 19, 2008 ) Arrows, Buttons, Carts Some Thoughts on Employee Bonuses- (Found July 19, 2008 ) Over the past couple of weeks I've been privy to a number of employee bitch sessions at a company I... Google Raising e109- (Found July 19, 2008 ) Peter Kaminski points out the previously unnoticed fact that the amount Google is raising in their IPO is a multiple... Making the Add Entry Pop-Up Screen In Movable Type Easier to Use- (Found July 19, 2008 ) I've now implemented Movable Type solutions for several clients, primarily as Intranets. As with any Intranet, there are a large... |