Tippecanoe NewsLocal news for Tippecanoe, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Third dairy operation planned for Carroll County- March 23, 2008 A third mega-dairy farm is looking to move into Carroll County. The Pasman's Pleasant Dairy is planned for northern Tippecanoe Township near 700N and 975W. via Pharos-Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/tippecanoe-in/2008/03/third-dairy-operation-planned-for-carroll-... Limestone courthouse still the center of Winamac's downtown district- March 2, 2008 Limestone courthouse still the center of downtown district WINAMAC -- It's a story repeated in county after county across Indiana. via Star-Presshttp://www.topix.net/city/tippecanoe-in/2008/03/limestone-courthouse-still-the-center-of-w... |