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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for April 2008

ThomasNet Industrial Newsroom - Health, Medical and Dental Supplies & Equipment

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Immunochemistry Analyzer boosts laboratory productivity. - April 18, 2008

Designed for labs that typically perform less than 200 immunoassay tests per day, ARCHITECT&174; i1000SR&174; provides continuous access to reagents and samples while it is running. Unit can accommodate 65 patient samples and process up to 100 testshr. It is able to prioritize emergency test results and turn them around in less than 16 min. To facilitate training of new laboratory personnel, instrument features wide test menu and minimal maintenance needs. This story is related to the...

M9 Molded Connectors feature compact design. - April 16, 2008

Designed for medical and industrial applications with limited space, Series 702 M9 molded connectors are manufactured with IP67 environmental protection and 360&176; EMI shielding. Molded with PUR material for protection from harsh environments, preassembled cordsets are designed to improve strain relief and are available in lengths of 2 and 5 m. This story is related to the following:Electrical Equipment and Systems Sponsored by: Globtek Inc. - Your Power Partner...For Over 20 Years!Health,..

Hi-Visibility Earmuffs provide double protection daynight. - April 10, 2008

Providing hearing protectionvisibility in electrical environments, Howard Leight&174; Thunder&174; T2HV Hi-Visibility Earmuffs feature reflective headband that illuminates when exposed to light and bright green earcups for noticeable contrast against dark settings, especially in low lighting situations and inclement weather. With dielectric construction, NRR 28-rated earmuffs will not conduct electricity, and utilize Air Flow Control(TM) technology to provide optimal attenuation across all...

Cold Packs are ammonium nitrate-free. - April 10, 2008

Designed to meet all cryotherapy and modality needs, InstaKool(TM) Instant Cold packs feature urea-based formulation. Cold packs exceed ANSI Requirements for Cold Packs and ASTM Method D882 for Tensile Strength at Break for cold duration. Latex-free products are available in 3 sizes for different contours and uses. This story is related to the following:Health, Medical and Dental Supplies and Equipment Sponsored by: Siemens Corporation - Banner wDoubleClickTags

PSA Tape is suited for direct skin medical applications. - April 2, 2008

Bioflex&174; Rx1073P-001 is made up of matte polyethylene film, single-coated with aggressive, biocompatible, medical-grade acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA). Suited for use as surgical tape and attaching medical devices to skin, product conforms to curved areas of body and is designed to reduce visibility of devices over which it is applied. Tape is supplied on white 60 lb kraft release liner that facilitates converting processes. This story is related to the following:Adhesives and...
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