Tama NewsLocal news for Tama, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cedar Rapids man to lead state gaming panel- July 18, 2008 Cedar Rapids attorney Greg Seyfer on Thursday became the new chairman for the Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/cedar-rapids-man-to-lead-state-gaming-panel?from... Clean up, campground help sought for RAGBRAI- July 15, 2008 TOLEDO ON JULY 23! TOLEDO CHRONICLE YOU Can Help: What- RAGBRAI Clean Up When- Thursday, July 24 7 a.m. Where- Meet at South Tama High School More Info- Contact Cliff Havens 641-484-5151 What-RAGBRAI Campground ...http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/clean-up-campground-help-sought-for-ragbrai?from... Kelsey Upah vies for Tama County Fair Queen- July 11, 2008 Meet Kelsey Upah, candidate for the 2008 Tama County Fair Queen. Kelsey is the 16 year old daughter of Duane and Gail Upah of Clutier and will be a junior at North Tama Community High School this fall.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/kelsey-upah-vies-for-tama-county-fair-queen?from... Iqb - "Tama Pack" Looks Doomed- July 10, 2008 A pair of semi-trailer trucks were being loaded with equipment from the Iowa Quality Beef plant in Tama Monday afternoon.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/iqb-tama-pack-looks-doomed?fromrss=1 Out in Smoke- July 9, 2008 Brad Chaska packs away ashtrays at the Town Pump in downtown Tama Tuesday morning.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/out-in-smoke?fromrss=1 Culverts to replace U.S. 30 bridge in Tama- July 8, 2008 Plans for box culverts to replace a bridge over Mud Creek are checked by Linda and Neil Potter and Tama Street Superintendent Stuart Eisentrager at an Iowa Department of transportation hearing in Toledo last ...http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/culverts-to-replace-u-s-30-bridge-in-tama?fromrs... Floods won't alter RAGBRAI route- July 7, 2008 Despite the devastating floods in the northern and eastern parts of the state, this year's RAGBRAI route has remained unchanged.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/floods-wont-alter-ragbrai-route?fromrss=1 Collecting flood relief items at Pamida- July 5, 2008 You Can Help- Bring items to donate from accompanying list to: Pamida 1006 S. County Rd.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/collecting-flood-relief-items-at-pamida?fromrss=... Council hears second request for native prairie- July 3, 2008 Cliff Foster, Soil conservation Technician with the Natural Resources Conservation Service stands in the area where the Tama Soil and Water Conservation district proposes to establish a Native Prairie garden.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/council-hears-second-request-for-native-prairie?... 17th annual 5K Run-Walk in Toledo July 3- July 3, 2008 Toledo Chronicle To Go Info: What-Harry Gardner-Toledo 5K Run-Walk When-Thursday, July 3 -Walk up registration until 6:45 p.m. at the Tama Co.http://www.topix.net/city/tama-ia/2008/07/17th-annual-5k-run-walk-in-toledo-july-3?fromrss... |