Stanton NewsLocal news for Stanton, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Stanton ISD Bond Meeting Tonight- April 8, 2008 Stanton residents are invited to the Stanton Middle School cafeteria this evening at 7:00pm. Board trustees will be discussing how the nine million dollars will go towards a new auditorium and fund state-of-the ... via KOSA Photographer Monroe Sullivan's art featured at grand opening of library- April 5, 2008 "His photographs stop you in your tracks. They make everyday West Texas scenes a work of art, and we're lucky to find a local artist of his caliber for our grand opening" Special to the OA STANTON SWhen it comes to his herd of longhorns and the photographs he takes of them, Monroe Sullivan is a purist - he believes neither should be altered, revised or retouched in any way. via Odessa American Online |