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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for April 2008

Trego News

Local news for Trego, WI continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Readers Opinions - April 13, 2008

About the comprehensive plan which the voters just rejected: If you do the math, county taxpayers will have to pay $13.75 for each citizen if the county board does not approve a comprehensive plan. via Spooner Advocate

Hunter Safety - April 11, 2008

Washburn County Hunter Safety held a field day at Indianhead Rifle & Pistol Range in Spooner on Saturday. via Spooner Advocate

The Prime - April 6, 2008

"It was a lot easier with two of us doing it, my mother and I" Carol Predni would be proud. No doubt about it. She would grin ear to ear to see how the business that she opened along Hwy. via Spooner Advocate

New recreation, trail fees possible - April 4, 2008

"It's way overdue,"he said. However, he encouraged the committee to do more study, though in general he supported the concept of "if you use, you pay, and if you don't use, you don't pay." The public sent mostly positive signals but encouraged more research on the Washburn County Forestry Committee's idea to charge a "vehicle entrance pass" for designated trails and recreational areas. via Spooner Advocate

Rodeo generates $3 million - April 3, 2008

"All that we make goes back into the community" In the fading afternoon light, a bareback bronc rider hangs on for dear life and maybe a paycheck as one of the fine animals from Barnes PRCARodeo bucks. via Spooner Advocate

The romance of the 'road still blooms - April 1, 2008

Like a vision of Spooner's historic railroad past, the Wisconsin Great Northern passes near the highway, just north of the city, heading toward Trego on one of many summer runs. via Spooner Advocate
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