Wallace NewsLocal news for Wallace, NE continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Dallas company nixes Wallace, Nebraska, ethanol plant- December 14, 2007 A Dallas-based company is dropping plans to build a 100 million gallon ethanol plant near Wallace, Nebraska. via KVIA-TV El Pasohttp://www.topix.net/city/wallace-ne/2007/12/dallas-company-nixes-wallace-nebraska-ethanol... Ehtanol plants won't be built in Wallace, Gothenburg- December 11, 2007 "The costs of building and transportation are going up significantly in addition to the price of corn" Darrel Smith, chairman of the Lincoln County Development Corporation , said Panda notified DevCo that the company was cutting costs and had a relatively small amount of cash invested in the Wallace project. via North Platte Bulletinhttp://www.topix.net/city/wallace-ne/2007/12/ehtanol-plants-wont-be-built-in-wallace-gothe... |