Vernon NewsLocal news for Vernon, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.An Interview with Kevin Sharp, Dixon Gallery and Gardens Director- May 26, 2008 When Kevin Sharp, a tousle-haired 50-year-old, self-described "Americanist" with 20-years experience in the museum biz, took over as director of the Dixon Gallery & Gardens last September, he immediately ... Javon Howard Memorial Fund information- May 24, 2008 A memorial fund in the name of Javon Howard has been set up at the First State Bank of Dix in Mt. ISP investigation into drowning completed- May 22, 2008 By TESA CULLI MT. VERNON - The Illinois State Police has concluded its investigation into the drowning death of 14-year-old Javon Howard. Students Mourn Classmate Killed on Field Trip- May 20, 2008 "He was one that could always make you laugh" Area students are remembering a classmate who died during a field trip. Javon Howard drowned in the Rend Lake College Aquatic Complex swimming pool on May 16, 2008. via WPSD-TV Paducah Armed Forces Day; Time To Say Thanks To Our Military- May 18, 2008 Saturday is Armed Forces Day, a day of thanks for all those who serve in the U.S. military. via MyFox St. Louis |