St. Charles NewsLocal news for St. Charles, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Farm bill works to turn dirt into cash- May 30, 2008 Every year we shake our heads at the latest farm bill. This year is no different. Capital for a Day, Winona plans to shine- May 14, 2008 "That sounds like little details, but without those details, it would probably be a disaster" Winona will be Minnesota's Capital for a Day on Friday, and there's one thing the planning committee wants to do: celebrate. via Post-Bulletin Randy Dee 'R.D.' Kramer Jr -- St. Charles- May 10, 2008 ARLES -- A memorial service for Randy Dee "R.D." Kramer Jr. will be from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. May 18 at the St. via Obituaries Rochester birth notices- May 8, 2008 Toni and Julie Siebenaler of St. Charles, a daughter. McKenzie House and Allen Jeter of Rochester, a daughter. via Post-Bulletin |