Stearns NewsLocal news for Stearns, KY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bartley-McKnight to wed- April 30, 2008 Bruce and Brenda Bartley of Whitley City, KY, are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Belinda Bartley to Curtis McKnight, son of Danny McKnight of Nancy, KY and Vivian and Ben ... via McCreary County Record Outdoor Venture is Silver Sponsor PRIDE Spring Cleanup- April 28, 2008 "This year, their donation helped make the spring cleanup one of our most successful." Outdoor Venture is Silver Sponsor PRIDE Spring Cleanup Outdoor Venture Corporation donated $5,000 to support southern and eastern Kentucky's annual Spring Cleanup campaign. via Columbia Magazine Input sought on forest plan- April 26, 2008 The Daniel Boone National Forest's Stearns Ranger District is seeking comments on two projects in the works. via McCreary County Record Health Management Associates Inc. Q1 2008 Earnings Call Transcript- April 24, 2008 Analysts Christine Arnold-Morgan Stanley Jason Gurda-Bear Stearns Ken Weakley-Credit Suisse William Bonello-Wachovia Securities Adam Feinstein-Lehman Brothers Gary Lieberman-Stanford Group Tom Gallucci-Merrill ... via Seeking Alpha Benefit singing, chili supper, auction at CLC- April 21, 2008 Benefit singing, chili supper, auction at CLC There will be a benefit singing, chili supper and auction for Doris "Tootie," Hovious on Saturday, April 26, 2008 starting at 4:00pmCT at the Christian Life Center ... via Columbia Magazine Nelson-Coffey To Wed- April 19, 2008 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne and Sharon Nelson of Stearns, Ky, announce the engagement and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Leslie Nelson, to Carl Coffey, son of Mr. via McCreary County Record Spring Cleaning: Pride honors McCrearians for litter cleanup campaign- April 17, 2008 McCreary County Fiscal Court opened its meeting Tuesday by recognizing the efforts of the county ATVOHV Club, Beulah Mountain Christian Academy, Pine Knot Job Corps, Eagle Sawyer VFD and other volunteers who ... via McCreary County Record Guardsman Kyle Strunk hurt by blast- April 15, 2008 "I was concerned that something like this would happen, but I am grateful that my son is safe now" The McCreary County Record has learned that a local Kentucky Army National Guard Soldier is recovering from wounds incurred this weekend during a grenade attack in Iraq. via McCreary County Record DUI stop turns up drugs, leads to 2 arrests- April 1, 2008 A Sunday night DUI stop turned up copious amounts of illegal drugs, resulting in the arrest of two McCreary County residents. via Commonwealth Journal |