Walthall NewsLocal news for Walthall, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Marion-Walthall County escapee captured- July 18, 2008 JACKSON - State inmate Michael Cain, who had escaped this morning from the MarionWalthall Regional Correctional Facility in Columbia, has been captured.http://www.topix.net/city/walthall-ms/2008/07/marion-walthall-county-escapee-captured?from... Lawsuit filed in youth's death- July 17, 2008 The Webster Progress-Times WALTHALL - The 2006 death of a teen-ager who collapsed while playing basketball in Eupora has resulted in the filing of a lawsuit against the city and local law enforcement agencies.http://www.topix.net/city/walthall-ms/2008/07/lawsuit-filed-in-youths-death?fromrss=1 |