Walthall NewsLocal news for Walthall, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Ah, Wilbur ... we hardly knew ye- January 27, 2008 Wilbur died the other day. He went quietly, melting away one drip at a time, like a milk shake at the DQ, slowly slurped from being into nothingness. via The Clarion-Ledgerhttp://www.topix.net/city/walthall-ms/2008/01/ah-wilbur-we-hardly-knew-ye?fromrss=1 New grand jury issues report for county- January 24, 2008 The Webster Progress-Times WALTHALL - The new county grand jury empaneled last week has issued a report of its investigations and inspections. via The Webster Progress-Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/walthall-ms/2008/01/new-grand-jury-issues-report-for-county?from... Man pleads guilty to manslaughter in 2004 death- January 24, 2008 Fifteenth Circuit Court District Attorney Hal Kittrell announced today that Circuit Judge Prentiss Harrell accepted the guilty plea of Ralph Luter Jr. via Hattiesburg Americanhttp://www.topix.net/city/walthall-ms/2008/01/man-pleads-guilty-to-manslaughter-in-2004-de... |