Andrew NewsLocal news for Andrew, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Thank you for help protecting Hardee's- June 28, 2008 Mother Teresa once said, 'We cannot do great things on this earth. We can only do little things with great love.' We experienced that firsthand on June 11 and 12, when we were fortunate to have so much help ... Arrests for June 25- June 26, 2008 Iowa City Brian Andrew Kamber, 22, of 1226 E. Bloomington in Iowa City was arrested for aid and abet forgery by credit card at 12:00 a.m. Sunday, Apr. Co-op insurance pool meetings- June 13, 2008 Healthy Lifestyles Cooperative, a health-insurance purchasing cooperative, will offer additional informational meetings for business owners interested in co-op insurance pool 3. The meetings will include a ... Cancellations, closings, event relocation due to flooding- June 11, 2008 City Park: Games have been cancelled due to flooding until further notice. The children's amusement rides are closed. - Identity of Jackson County drowning victim released- June 9, 2008 SABULA, Iowa - The identity of a man who drowned Friday night in South Sabula Lake has been released. For the Record- June 4, 2008 Detention facility Monday Andrew Beskitt, 43, Norton, arrested by the Ottawa County Sheriff's Office, charged with failure to appear on charges of drunken driving, driving under suspension and open ... Arrests for May 29- June 2, 2008 Iowa City Allen Albert Kemp Jr., 48, of 2948 Black Diamond Road SW in Iowa City was arrested for assault with a dangerous weapon at 11:56 a.m. Tuesday, May. |