Arthur NewsNews on Arthur continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Lou Jacobi- December 28, 2007 "Melba", starring Melba Moore 1976 Played the title role of Ivan the headwaiter at the Hotel Metropole in Moscow on the summer sitcom, "Ivan the Terrible" Hefty, balding character actor, sometimes mustachioed, whose explosive manner has been instantly recognizable on many years of TV comedy. via Hollywood.com Liza Minnelli in Gothenburg collapse- December 13, 2007 "Liza Minnelli collapsed during a show at Scandinavium in Gothenburg, and doctors were called" Posted on 12132007 6:08:12 AM PST by WesternCulture Liza Minnelli collapsed during a show in Gothenburg on Wednesday night. via Freerepublic.com |