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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for January 2008

The Weblog of Grant Henninger

Once called Ante Lucem, this site has been remade in its own image. It is here to catalog and organize the thoughts of Grant.

Affordable Housing Rally, Anaheim, CA - January 28, 2008

Skills Camp 2008 - The Photos - January 21, 2008

I've posted a number of photos from our group camping trip to Joshua Tree from this past weekend. I've started to use Adobe Lightroom to organize and edit my photos, and so far I'm loving it. It also has the option to post both HTML and Flash based pages to a site via FTP, which I've used to create a gallery for this trip. As I get better and take more photos I'll post more of these types of galleries. I'm quite happy with some of these photos, but of the 257 photos that were taken only.

Life Goals - January 16, 2008

Yes, yes, I know I haven't posted a real entry in umpteen billion seconds. Or more precisely, just about 11,000,000 seconds (that's orders of magnitude more precise, even though it's still very round.) I haven't been talking the time out of life to write, as was the intention of this site. It's one goal of mine that I'm failing at, and I think I just found another that will suffer the same fate. Not long ago, I made a list of life goals on my online notebook. One of those goals I've had...
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