Arlington NewsLocal news for Arlington, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Food shelf: No need to be quiet about HUSH- February 24, 2008 "The Feinstein Foundation partial-matching fund for food and money donated in March and April also helps to extend the budget. The Food Shelf can spend it with Second Harvest where every dollar is worth $13.31." Edgewood Locker West manager Faron Bindert reports 76 deer were processed for The Fayette Food Pantry from December to February through the HUSH program. via Newspapers of Fayette County State legislators praise Elgin 2023 committee's work- February 22, 2008 "It's having a plan of what do you have here and what can you recruit. There's a lot of enthusiasm for rural Iowa." Iowa State Senator, Brian Schoenjahn and Rep. Roger Thomas held a legislative listening post in Elgin Saturday. via Newspapers of Fayette County Dem legislators: Iowa a bright spot in national economy- February 20, 2008 "We're taking a very disciplined approach" Coupled with a proposed $95 million increase in state spending, Democratic legislators visiting Fayette Saturday, said the diversification of the Iowa economy that will result, promises new jobs and new ... via Newspapers of Fayette County |