Asotin NewsLocal news for Asotin, WA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Cute, Cuddly, Fighting Machine- June 18, 2008 The Asotin County Sheriff's drug dog is the cutest crime fighter in the valley. " Winston is trained to find most narcotics; Marijuanna, methamphetimean, cocain, opium, heroin," said Deputy Robert Breland. Filing period ends- June 12, 2008 Candidates for office are declared COLUMBIA BASIN - Several people filed for candidacy in various elected offices in Adams and Grant County last week. Nez Perce tribe contacted after human skull found- June 10, 2008 A partial human skull and bone fragments found near a site known for its American Indian petroglyphs, pictographs and ancient graves may be the remains of a Nez Perce ancestor. Partial human skull may be old- June 10, 2008 A partial human skull, found about 10 miles south of Asotin near Buffalo Eddy on the Snake River Road, is being turned over to anthropologists. |