Gooom- January 27, 2005 Gooom seems, at first, like an elitist music nerd's wet dream: a tiny French label with a delightfully dorky name, almost no distribution, an eclectic and incestuous roster, and a brilliant design aesthetic that somehow manages to make using Helvetica everywhere seem bold and fresh all over again. In a musical landscape where artists keep locking themselves into ever tinier and more rigorously-defined subgenres, Gooom artists slew all over the map. You never know where they're going to go... Larsen's Ae- January 27, 2005 A few years ago, Michael Gira's Young God Records released a remarkable record by a previously obscure Italian musical collective named Larsen. Gira tells a long story about the recording of the record, but, like most of Young God's releases, the record can stand on its own, without any folkloric originary tales to back it up. Rever has passed the initial test of time to become one of the most compelling and strange records to come out of the post-rock universe, and is the best record Young God. |