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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for June 2008

C-list blogging since last Tuesday.

DoYouAgreeYesOrNoCheckThisBox - June 26, 2008

I'm all for decreasing the death rate for HIV -- especially now that new drugs mean that AIDS can be managed and that HIV+ diagnosis is no longer an automatic death sentence -- but this kind of disturbed me: The...

NYT: Darts & Laurels (But Mostly Laurels) - June 26, 2008

I'm writing this from the Middle of Nowhere (tm), on an elderly borrowed laptop equipped with a cellular-broadband card that likes to go belly-up at crucial moments and glacially-slow the rest of the time. So please excuse any latent testiness....

Papieren, Bitte - June 21, 2008

You've been allowed to fly without ID (contrary to what you may have heard, even from TSA officers) for some time now -- you don't have to produce photo identification, as much as the airlines would like you to. (They...

I Wouldn't Belong To Any Club That Wouldn't Accept Me As A Member - June 21, 2008

Have you caught the flap about the AP vs. bloggers So the AP, in flagrant dismissal of the "fair use" doctrine (Title 17, Section 107, U.S. Code), is declaring war on bloggers by saying that any quotation of their copy...

OpenSkies Launch - June 20, 2008

Yesterday, I went to a press junket at JFK about the launch of OpenSkies, a new airline flying between New York and Paris. I filed a story for NewYorkology, and I have some more pictures here.

City Island Vs. le du Roosevelt - June 18, 2008

I enjoyed this Walking Off The Big Apple post that compares Paris' le de la Cit with New York's own Roosevelt Island.

El Cyd - June 18, 2008

She had a great run, but I miss Cyd Charisse:

Cross-Promotion: Salon de Ning - June 16, 2008

By the by, I have a review of Salon de Ning up on NewYorkology.
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