another pointless dotcomYou are currently located at another pointless dotcom, the personal website of Jonathan Horak. Enjoy.iced tea- May 28, 2006 I'm a packrat. And I've moved ten times since settling in Austin for University. Among all of my repeatedly lugged and unused goods are two bulk boxes of iced tea bags &8212; the proper kind, meant for brewing &8212; which I've held on to since quite possibly freshman year. One package remains unopened. Yesterday, I risked personal health and decided to give the tea a try. What does tea stored for multiple years taste like Strong. I consider myself an iced tea connoisseur, if there is such a... itunes drag and drop feature- May 25, 2006 Found a new feature in Apple iTunes today, that I imagine has existed since day one &8212; Apple is incredibly intuitive with drag-and-drop functionality: Dragging media files to an empty area in the Source List (on the left-hand side of the program) creates a new playlist populated with the files. A serious improvement over my previous multi-click process of locating files for every album copied to the library. Update 2006-06-03 04:37: Something else I've just noticed: music dropped on blank... |