St. Xavier NewsLocal news for St. Xavier, MT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.How Beth cuts her grocery bill in half- May 14, 2008 "Shoppers spend more money when they walk down store aisles aimlessly" Beth O'Neill and her daughter Katie, 7, shop the Aldi grocery store in Lyons. Surviving $4 a gallon Seniors feeling squeeze: study Recession is just beginning: Dimon Write to us How are you saving money on ... via Chicago Sun-Times St. Xavier Student Banned for Graffiti Threat That Closed School- May 5, 2008 "No excuses for that one. Yes, there are consequences." Xavier University student charged with scrawling a threat that shut down both school campuses for several days last month is now forbidden from setting foot on any college campus. via WBBM-AM Chicago St. Xavier Suspect Must Stay Off College Campuses- May 3, 2008 A St. Xavier University student charged with scrawling a threat that shut down both school campuses for several days last month is now forbidden from setting foot on any college campus. A Central Bond Court (Br. 1) judge set a $15,000 bond for Katherine Loberg, 19, of St. Paul, Minn. She is charged with one count each of criminal defacement of property and disorderly conduct. As conditions for her release, Loberg must seek treatment from a mental health facility immediately, and she must... |