Wagner NewsLocal news for Wagner, SD continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Friends meet again after 69 years- June 28, 2008 Handwritten Christmas cards filled with updates on jobs, children and daily life have fueled the friendship of two former South Dakotans for almost 70 years.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/friends-meet-again-after-69-years?fromrss=1 Petitions Against Zoning Circulating- June 26, 2008 By Monica Wepking, Editor Less than 30 people attended an informational meeting, held by Charles Mix County Commissioners, on zoning on Monday, June 16, 2008 in the Wagner Armory.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/petitions-against-zoning-circulating?fromrss=1 Neighborhood shaken- June 24, 2008 A gas explosion early Sunday blew Justin and Laura Mehlhaff's home and possessions in a radius as large as 300 feet.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/neighborhood-shaken?fromrss=1 Charles Mix County discussing zoning ordinance- June 21, 2008 A hog farm being built in Charles Mix County spurred interest in developing a zoning ordinance, according to Carroll 'Red' Allen, a county commissioner.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/charles-mix-county-discussing-zoning-ordinance... Judge sides with Iowa hog farm owners in S.D. dispute- June 19, 2008 A federal judge on Wednesday refused to stop construction of an Iowan-owned hog farm west of Wagner, saying it is not on tribal land as three American Indians claimed in a lawsuit against the project.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/judge-sides-with-iowa-hog-farm-owners-in-s-d-d... Past 10 Years- June 18, 2008 ARCHIVE click for a new search 2001, May 3, Thursday - foreign THE TOPICS: Bush offers few details but stirs critics Israeli tanks demolish Gaza refugee homes Politicians mull paying artists a wage to build ...http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/past-10-years?fromrss=1 Miss South Dakota named- June 11, 2008 Alexandra Hoffman, Miss SDSU, of Eureka, was crowned Miss South Dakota Saturday night.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/miss-south-dakota-named?fromrss=1 Flooding Photos- June 6, 2008 There are reports of street flooding and streams and rivers crossing roads in many parts of KELOLAND today.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/flooding-photos?fromrss=1 A Historic Day for Wagner- June 3, 2008 By Monica Wepking, Editor How did two term former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, end up on Dana Sanderson's front porch on Sunday, May 25, 2008 "The Clinton campaign approached us on Wednesday.http://www.topix.net/city/wagner-sd/2008/06/a-historic-day-for-wagner?fromrss=1 |