The Patriot NewsNews on The Patriot continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.44% A Previous Engagement- May 10, 2008 "The Virgin Queen"), award-winning stand-up comic Claire Brosseau and Elizabeth Whitmere ("The Trojan Horse" A Previous Engagement is a sophisticated comedy written and directed by Joan Carr-Wiggin , starring Juliet Stevenson , Tcheky Karyo , Daniel Stern and Emmy Award-winner... A Previous Engagement is a ... via Rotten Tomatoes 10,000 B.C.Give me Raquel Welch any day- May 2, 2008 "One day, the one will come who will free our people" The 1966 film "One Million Years B.C." was one of those classic naff B-movies from Hammer Films in the '60s. Rerun endlessly on both Saturday afternoon and late-night TV over the next couple of decades, the ... via The Japan Times |