Verona NewsLocal news for Verona, MS continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Former JPD Assistant Chief Roy Sandifer Dies- April 17, 2008 "Roy devoted his entire career to law enforcement" Jackson officials said Thursday that former Assistant Police Chief Roy Sandifer died Thursday after a prolonged battle with cancer. via WAPT Teachers fill day with tours, talks- April 12, 2008 "The students that I deal with daily are blowing in the wind" BY GINNY MILLER Daily Journal TUPELO - Tomorrow's work force is in the hands of today's teachers, who were lauded Friday as powerful role models during the 32nd annual Industry-Education Day. via Djournal.com EDITORIAL:Annexation- April 6, 2008 Tupelo's plan to annex additional territory for growth and to help ensure long-term, economic vitality for Lee County has returned to the chancery court with the filing of an annexation peitition setting the ... via Djournal.com |