Walden NewsLocal news for Walden, CO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bones mark deadly trail- May 18, 2008 "The key is to identify that the person is in fact a danger, and sometimes you don't know that." Authorities have confirmed that skeletal remains found last year in a remote wooded area of Jackson County are those of a 19-year-old woman who was last believed to be with Scott Kimball. via Denver Posthttp://www.topix.net/city/walden-co/2008/05/bones-mark-deadly-trail?fromrss=1 Centennial Village gives students a glimpse of history at Spring History Festival- May 16, 2008 "Paper was too expensive back then" Linda Young talks to a group of fourth-grade students in a one-room classroom in the historic Lone Valley School during the High Plains History Festival held at the Centennial Village Museum in Greeley. via Greeley Tribunehttp://www.topix.net/city/walden-co/2008/05/centennial-village-gives-students-a-glimpse-of... Chambers Lake Campground opening delayed by bark beetles- May 6, 2008 "I would think that we would have more in the future just because the trees that have been killed are getting older, and as they get older there's more of a chance that they will fall down" Chambers Lake Campground is the lone campground in the Canyon Lakes Ranger District of the Roosevelt National Forest that will be impacted by tree removal caused by back beetles. via Fort Collins Coloradoanhttp://www.topix.net/city/walden-co/2008/05/chambers-lake-campground-opening-delayed-by-ba... |