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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for February 2003

(Untitled) - February 19, 2003

Hang in there W...

The Atlantic - February 18, 2003

In his March 2003 article Post-President For Life, James Fallows goes back and forth over all the tired old clichés about the hypocritical nature of Bill Clinton trying to imagine what those qualities will be like in an ex-President.  By the end, in answer to Clinton&146;s rhetorical question about his &147;responsibility&133;to help other people,&148; Fallows somehow feels compelled to explain to us that &147;I basically believe him&148; as though we couldn&146;t already see his...

North Korea - February 5, 2003

'A Sea of Fire,' or Worse. The North Korean nuclear crisis is far more perilous than many people realize. By Nicholas Kristof. New York Times: Opinion Way to go Nick, what a scenario. Let's see, who can we get for our negotiating team. Why not the ace team that got us into this mess in the first place. Let's send in Jimmy Carter, Bill Richardson and Bill and Hillary just for good measure. They shold all go at once and whine them to death.

NASA Hasn't Failed, We Have - February 5, 2003

A Failed Mission. The shuttle program was a failure from the get-go. Indeed, manned space flight in general has turned out to be a bust. By Paul Krugman. New York Times: Opinion I disagree with Krugman quite often about most things. That's why I hate to admit that I actually agree with him, at least in part, about the way we are going about manned space flight these days. In some respects, one could say the same thing we're saying about the shuttle,...

(Untitled) - February 5, 2003

Convergence of identity. As with standards, the problem with convergences is that there are so many to choose from. When the subject is digital convergence we often start with devices and media, which leads to a barrage of questions: Can I watch movies on my notebook PC Can my Bluetooth cell phone double as a modem Can my Internet connection replace my long-distance phone service Increasingly, the answer to these questions is yes. But it's often hard to see the forest for the trees. There is...

(Untitled) - February 5, 2003

BuddySpace. Now that the notion of presence is beginning to infuse our electronic communication, an inevitable next question is: presence where Marc Eisenstadt, chief scientist at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University in the UK, wrote to show me a Jabber-based system called BuddySpace that locates presence indicators on maps. In the map shown here, Marc (top row, third photo from right) is present in the office, but idle. Martin Dzbor (bottom row, far right), KMI's "chief...

Conversational Blog's - February 5, 2003

Secret of their success. Online: The best blogs are written with conversation in mind, writes Steve Bowbrick. Guardian Unlimited

Why Not - February 5, 2003

To the Moon in a Space Elevator. Less than two decades from now, equipment and even people could reach the cosmos by way of an elevator zipping along a 62,000-mile carbon nanotube. By Steve Kettmann. Wired News
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