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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for May 2008

Tecate News

Local news for Tecate, CA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.

Volkswagen Named as Grand Marshall for the Annual Tecate SCORE International Baja 500 - May 30, 2008

Volkswagen of America, Inc. announced today that it has been named Grand Marshall for the 40th Annual Tecate SCORE International Baja 500 Thursday, May 29, 2008 - Sunday, June 1 in Ensenada, Baja California, ...

Tim Grobaty: A war in the park - May 30, 2008

Saturday does approach with fierce fleetness - and does Sunday, too, ride hard upon Saturday's rippling flanks - and with those twined days of labor's surcease comes the brace of battling falcons as expressed ...

Tijuana's 'CowParade' takes art to the people - May 25, 2008

A herd of colorful cows is poised to invade Tijuana. They're part of "CowParade Lala Tijuana 2008," an art exhibit that will place 20 fiberglass cows painted by local artists, along with 50 others created ...

TV 'discovers' Vallejo's charm - May 21, 2008

The Discovery Channel was in town recently, seizing the golden opportunity to film all that's attractive in Vallejo.

Thursday's Blotter: Youths throw rocks at 'haunted' house - May 19, 2008

A caller said 12 children were throwing rocks at a vacant house in the 400 block of Ninth Street, trying to break out the windows.

The Rise and Fall of Blackwater in Potrero - May 9, 2008

Part 1 back here . Now, keep your eyes on Otay Mesa . via Subtopia
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