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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for July 2007

The Playful Antiquarian

She is too fond of books and it has turned her brain. -- Louisa May Alcott

The owls were good to me - July 26, 2007

I did not plan to be in Harvard Square at midnight for the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I planned to be in bed, waiting for my own copy to arrive, far away from the happy Harry Potter fans clutching their new books and the mischief-makers shouting spoilers like Death Eaters ...

Next stop, Hogwarts - July 17, 2007

Last week, when I wrote my post about Harry Potter and adult readers, I wished that I could address j&8217;s final point about how the series has fostered discussion among adults, young adults, and children in ways that other books have not. Unfortunately, since the young people in my life have either outgrown or ...

Harry Potter and the Reading Habits of Adult Muggles - July 13, 2007

As the Harry Potter series nears its end, j of j&8217;s scratchpad wonders how the series has changed the reading habits of adult readers. I suspect that most adults would argue that the series has made little, if any, difference in their reading habits. But, I wonder if this is truly the case. Before ...
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