Troy NewsLocal news for Troy, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Man waives charges- July 18, 2008 An 18-year-old RR2 Gillett man accused of damaging andor destroying numerous mailboxes last November in Springfield Township has waived his charges, Magisterial District Judge Jonathan Wilcox of Troy said. Finger Eleven rocks Troy Fair- July 17, 2008 In their original incarnation , you would expect to find this band next to the "World's Smallest Horse" or the "Snake Woman" at a county fair. Family fun on tap in Troy- July 13, 2008 Twin Tiers residents looking for summer fun close to home can head to the 133th annual Troy Fair in Alparon Park next week. Troy Junior Sportsmen have big day- July 3, 2008 The Troy Junior Sportsmen, a group that includes boys and girls ages 11-18, had a strong showing at the recent Youth Hunter Education Challenge competition in State College, Pa. |