Troy NewsLocal news for Troy, TN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Chance of freezing rain- January 31, 2008 "Yesterday's strong winds are suspected to have caused damage that resulted in today's outage,'" Jackson road crews and emergency workers were gearing up Wednesday as meteorologists issued a forecast for possible freezing rain or sleet today. via Jacksonsun.com Make A Wish ambassador, Aaron Browning, to appear on WSMV- January 29, 2008 "Publicizing the inspirational stories of the Make-A-Wish children can have a dramatic effect on everyone who listens, watches, and participates in the campaign" Murfreesboro's Aaron Browning has been selected as one of 14 "wish kids" who will serve as ambassadors for this year's Make-A-Wish Stories of Light campaign. via DNJ.com Four injured in collision; driver critical- January 20, 2008 Four people were injured, one critically, in a two-car collision that occurred about 1 a.m. Sunday in south Dyersburg. via State Gazette |