Sulphur Springs NewsLocal news for Sulphur Springs, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Henry County artist to be honored Sunday- January 26, 2008 "I read a book every night. And if I can't sleep, I get up and read some more." More than eight decades ago, a little girl sat at the kitchen table on a farm just north of Sulphur Springs and practiced drawing. via Anderson Herald-Bulletin Whatzit- January 21, 2008 Do you know what the item pictured at right is CLUES Size: Just at 3 inches long and 34 inches in diameter. via Star-Press Jan. 10: Local Births- January 12, 2008 A girl to Bryce and Betty Cook, Anderson, Jan. 10. SAINT JOHN'S A boy to Brittney D. Lemon and Justin J. Flynn, Middletown, Jan. via Anderson Herald-Bulletin 'Suspicious' house fire closes U.S. 36 in Sulphur Springs- January 4, 2008 U.S. 36 through Sulphur Springs was closed for about three hours Thursday afternoon as firefighters and police investigated a house fire. via Star-Press |