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Feed items 1 - 8 of 8 for June 2008


Your favourite source of queer, travel-addicted, hippie-ish Australian programming- and museum-geek living in London-related stultiloquy.<!--Alas, the flesh is weary, and I have read all the books.--><!--It's faanki shitto! (like comparing a wolf with a cow)-->

Why the Sunday Times is bad for you - June 29, 2008

Usually I'm just amused by the self-loathing articles and columns in the Sunday Times, but lately they've been pushing more pieces on plastic surgery (in no way a reflection of recent ad placements, I'm sure). Elective plastic surgery freaks me out - why risk death, permanent pain or disfigurement to 'fix' some imaginary flaw that doesn't even bother anyone else An article today, The man who wants to reshape your private parts, is a step too far: "My customers say, 'You know what, I don't..

Women had power in ancient Greece, but you'd never know... - June 26, 2008

A very real and interesting example of the ways in which assumptions made by archaeologists determine how they view the evidence. The implications, if anyone ever had time (and the guts) to go back and review the documentary records from previous digs, could be huge. DNA reveals sister power in Ancient Greece University of Manchester researchers have revealed how women, as well as men, held positions of power in ancient Greece by right of birth. Women were thought to have had little power in...

I'm late with this, but awww - June 26, 2008

The same-sex marriages in California almost made me cry. On the Age: California ushers in gay marriage era - the couple in their 80s are amazing. And the BBC: California ushers in same-sex weddings Why are the bigots so bothered about gay marriage Surely they can't all be closet cases...

Saki at the Arcola - June 11, 2008

A quick recommendation for the Fledgling Theatre's charming production of 'Wolves at the window' at the Arcola - excellent performances and writing, and some lovely stage work. Go see it if you're in London....

'Top tips for the lazy environmentalist' - June 11, 2008

The Guardian says "saving the planet doesn't have to be confusing, or hard work"....

Boris arts spin - or does Boris have the ability to go back in time - June 11, 2008

I was so annoyed and bemused by something I read in today's Urban Junkies London newsletter that I wrote to them. I am really curious about today's mailout, which says "Boris has temporarily come to the rescue. His launch of "Lates "" - but UJ have been promoting Lates at various venues for months, so you must know that the Lates initiative was already up and running when Ken was mayor. I'm really disappointed - I know spin is everything and the truth means little in...

Some random arty things - June 2, 2008

"Scenes from the Bible have been imagined by countless artists over the centuries, but never quite like this. God's Eye View portrays four key Biblical events as if captured by Google Earth."...

Ten reasons to go vegetarian - June 2, 2008

Not that I had any idea it was 'world vegetarian week'... Top Ten Reasons to Go Veggie During World Vegetarian Week includes: "While there is ample and justified moral indignation about the diversion of 100 million tons of grain for biofuels, more than seven times as much (760 million tons) is fed to farmed animals so that people can eat meat." " A recent United Nations report entitled Livestock's Long Shadow concludes that eating meat is "one of the ... most significant...
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