Two Tall SocksAbsolutely Nothing to do with SocksLost is Losing- December 30, 2004 Lost is one of my favorite TV shows in a long time. It&39;s like a movie, only it comes on every week! At least it did&8230; The show has been in re-runs for several weeks, which has all but killed the momentum of the show for me. Wednesday night used to be &8220;Lost Night&8221; that my wife and I looked forward to, but because the show has been in re-runs so long, we have already gotten out of the habit of watching the show. Why do networks do this I&39;m going to forget the first half of... Gotta Get My Stuff Done- December 27, 2004 Here is a great cartoon about procrastination, which I suffer from. In fact I'm posting this link on this blog instead of working. Dammit. Zoom... Enhance... Magnify- December 27, 2004 I enjoy the CSI TV shows. My wife and I regularly watch all three versions of it; Las Vegas, Miami, and New York. I think each spin-off has ended up being less interesting than the last, but one thing is really starting to bug me about all of them... The computers. I don't know much about forensic science other than what I see on the shows, so I don't know how accurate the DNA analysis and fingerprinting and other things are, but the computers have gotten ridiculous lately. In an episode of... Productivity Breakthrough 2- December 21, 2004 I&39;ve found that if you turn off your instant messengers like AIM and MSN during &8220;work time&8221;, you get a lot more done! Or at least you have less distractions interrupting you every few minutes. My next idea is to stop checking RSS feeds on Bloglines every 20 minutes. Rave Motion Pictures - Chattanooga- December 21, 2004 My wife and I went to the new Rave Motion Pictures in Chattanooga the other night to see Ocean&39;s 12. It&39;s a relatively new cinema company, I think they have 18 locations across the southeast now. The company says they aren&39;t trying to be an art-house type theater that plays foreign films or independent flicks, they just play blockbusters on really big screens with really loud sound. Which is fine with me. The screens really are quite huge, bigger than any I&39;ve seen except for an... |