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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for July 2008

The Writings of Melissa

The Writings of Melissa -

New Sims 3 Previews! - July 15, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.New screenshots and a video previewing the Sims 3 game! I honestly can't wait!

Wordpress 2.6 - July 15, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.Most people are probably going go crazy because version 2.5 literally just came out a couple months ago. But as I mentioned back in June: it is not as heavy of an update this time. However, that is not to say it isn't feature-rich! It's full of goodies, like the "post revisions" view that lets you compare changes as you writeedit blog posts: Don't be afraid to upgrade. It did not break any of my plugins or my design and.

Introducing Lulu! - July 9, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there. She's finally here! I would like everyone to meet Lulu, my first ever Pullip doll! She is a Zombuki, a customized creation by my friend Brigitte, who is also bee 1 in the Quilting Bee. I was not into dolls while growing up (micro machines FTW) and I had only heard about these dolls randomly from surfing the web. But after helping Brigitte redesign, I realized just how lovely they are! Especially the work..

Melissa Fans Unite! - July 8, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.Are you a fan of me Of course you are. So join the Melissa Fanlisting created by Jessica!

I&8217;m Overwhelmed - July 3, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.First of all, a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has congratulated me and Chaz on our engagement. I'm so amazed at how many people responded and I'm actually really glad you all did because now I have everyone who visits my site in a nice, convenient list. Hit list Ooh, you decide. I may sound lighthearted right now...but I'm actually trying not to become overwhelmed with sadness. Today the CEO of my company (which is...

Babied! - July 2, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.Have you been babied or rabied lately! You may want to consult LMAO for the answer.
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