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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for May 2008

The Writings of Melissa

The Writings of Melissa -

True Aspirations - May 30, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.I often wonder about whether the dreams we have as kids are actually our true goals in life. Particularly, the things we said we wanted to grow up to be. Are our young interests actually early signs of what will make us truly happy later in life It's an interesting thought. When I was a kid, I worshiped the "kid star" talent shows. I remember the feeling I would get when I watched them on TV, the strong mixture of...

Happy Birthday Wordpress! - May 27, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.Today Wordpress is celebrating it's 5th birthday! Here's to many more years of greatness!

New LMAO Convos! - May 27, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.If you haven't been to LMAO lately, there are lots of new convos to laugh at!

The Crystal Skull - May 26, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there. We went to see the new Indiana Jones movie over the weekend and, being a fan of the original trilogy, I have mixed feelings about this fourth in the series. I'm really picky about movies at times, hehe, so I don't think my tastes are often close to the average opinion. No spoilers, but be cautious just in case! Overall, I liked it! The fighting, sound effects, and quips were very characteristic of the previous Indy...
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