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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for June 2008

The Writings of Melissa

The Writings of Melissa -

Advanced Photo Resizing! - June 12, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.This has got to be one of the coolest photo manipulation techniques I have ever seen! Needs to be added to Photoshop!

Cedar Point Theme Park! - June 9, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.This past weekend Chaz and I, and our good friends Greg and Jess, took a fun mini-holiday to Cedar Point! It is a theme park located in Sandusky, Ohio, right on the edge of Lake Eerie! The park itself was built on a peninsula, but is not crammed together at all. It literally has some of the best coasters I've ever been on! Cedar Point is a 364-acre amusement parkresort that is home to the most rides (75) and roller...

Sea Candy - June 6, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.Of the many forwards my mom sends me, there are actually a few interesting ones that slip through, one of which was in my inbox this morning. It showcased a series of amazing photos of striped icebergs in Antarctica! I'd never actually heard of this phenomenon, but the effects are quite cool: Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles...

Blocked by Akismet - June 5, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.If I normally comment on your website, please check your spam queue! I believe my information is being universally blocked by Akismet and until the developers remove me from the "blacklist" all of my comments on your websites will be marked as spam. I'm not spamming, I promise! I believe my comments to be much more interesting than the lame crap that spam bots seem to be posting lately. Please don't delete me! If you...

Delightful Spam - June 4, 2008

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.There seems to be several people discussing spam prevention lately. While Akismet has always worked for me pretty well I still hear about (and experience) its hiccups now and then. For example, I've been tossed in the spam queue by Akismet recently on at least three websites I normally comment on. Maybe it doesn't like how often I comment Heh! I have it set in the "Discussion" settings on my Wordpress installation to...
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