Walford NewsLocal news for Walford, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.C.R. author Mossman recovering from heart attack- February 14, 2008 "That's quite a procedure, really." Author Dow Mossman is recovering from what he calls "a pretty good" heart attack. via The Gazettehttp://www.topix.net/city/walford-ia/2008/02/c-r-author-mossman-recovering-from-heart-atta... Historic preservation plan ready for council approval- February 3, 2008 A consultant has completed a plan to help Waterloo maintain its historic buildings and character. via Waterloo Courierhttp://www.topix.net/city/walford-ia/2008/02/historic-preservation-plan-ready-for-council-... Walford only city in county to vote "No" on option tax- February 1, 2008 "Now that the residents have approved the local option sales tax, the city will be able to budget for a $1 decrease in the property tax levy, and we should be able to have an additional $250,000 per year for street repair" By Dean Close - Times Editor Wednesday, January 30, 2008 10:01 PM CST Voters throughout Benton County, with the exception of the City of Walford, voted in favor of a one-cent local option sales tax. via Cedar Valley Daily Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/walford-ia/2008/02/walford-only-city-in-county-to-vote-no-on-opt... |